"Let there be light."
The first words God spoke in the Bible.
Let there be light.
Do you feel that way? I do. Often my prayer has been a simple, "God, let there be light."
In a world where we are hard pressed on all sides, God let there be light.
In a world where injustice reeks, God let there be light.
In a world of screaming and none listening, God let there be light.
Please God, let there be light.
One verse later the Bible tells us God saw the light was good and He separated the light from the darkness.
God separated the light from the darkness.
He separated it.
He did not banish it.
Beloved, you are standing in the separation.
It is a battleground.
And it is won on our knees.
In the weary, in the tired, in the tears that begin to taste of defeat the strongest voice is one that whispers, "God, let there be light."
For you see, the light destroys the darkness.
Beloved, He is the Light.
We are the candle.
His is the victory.
Ours is the prayer, "Let there be light."
Then watch how brightly it shines.
Genesis 1:3-4
Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.